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Mane Foundations and B4Students inaugurates the Social Corner at the Social Sciences Faculty in Tirana

 The “Social Corner” represents the best gift at the end of this year for the Faculty of Social Sciences in Tirana, sponsored by the Mane Foundation through the B4Students program. The social corner was identified as a need by the institution’s leaders, for students to have a dedicated space to socialize and network with each other beyond class and carry out academic work in collaboration. The corner has already been put in function for all students and professors. 2,692 students and 71 professors will be the beneficiaries of such investment.

B4Students is a Mane Foundation program that provides students in the country opportunities to grow professionally and establish their first contact with the labor market. In 2021, over 1,400 students enrolled in the program, 70 of whom had internships at BALFIN Group companies. Furthermore, in the framework of B4Students, 30 student clubs from universities in Albania have submitted projects that are being evaluated for financial support, which aim to enhance and promote various aspects of society.