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Mane Foundation and Tirana Bank promotes green businesses

Green Businesses Competition encourages innovation for business ideas at local level and explores the role of philanthropy in stimulating local communities to generate ideas that utilize local resources, revitalize disappearing traditional production chains and community-based markets.

In collaboration with the Mane Foundation, Tirana Bank supported this traditional project as a bank that helps small businesses and at the same time does its part in preserving natural resources during the daily operations. Representatives of the bank and other members of the jury – experts of economy, education, and business development – evaluated the business ideas of thirteen finalists. Out of this selection, Tirana Bank will further support the Funk Cabins project that will offer wooden cabins with 360-degree glass view, to explore the wonderful nature of the country. The bank will also support the Shebenik Egnatia Explorers; it is an idea to set up mobile camps in the Shebenik National Park and other segments of the ancient Egnatia road as entertainment opportunities.